



I had come to accept that I had flaws in which the people who became close with me would simply need to endure. I was a lost cause…until I met Anthony. In just one session I saw results, and by the time I finished working with him, I was a changed woman! It’s amazing how something so simple can have such a dramatic impact on one’s well-being. Not only am I able to live with more clarity, but also his work has boiled over and is motivating me in other areas of my life. I left his sessions feeling elated and rejuvenated, eager to organize my life. Plus, he is so easy to talk to; I often needed to remind myself that I was speaking with my hypnotherapist and not my friend. If I had the funds, I would definitely continue seeing him forever because I honestly think he has the ability to turn me into a superstar. Also, I have the feeling that hypnotherapy is just one piece of himself that he has to offer.


Mayte V.

What I can say about Anthony is he is the most sacred soul, and if you ever get the honor to be in his presence you are already being blessed. He heals, releases and strengthens your soul with the utmost compassion and grace. If you are by any chance lost in darkness he will bring you back to the light. I feel a huge weight has been lifted from my life. Everything just starts flowing and I feel so much love and strength The power of God, It flows through him to you and for that I will forever love you Anthony. You are such a precious gift to this world. A million times THANK YOU.

Lilavani M.

Wow! I am simply blown away. Such a powerful healing received by this beautiful being of light!! I can hardly put into words the level of intuition and clairvoyance Anthony possess. He knew every trauma, weakness and ailment trapped in my body without me telling him a single thing about myself. It is now two weeks out and I am feeling much lighter, more clear and can feel everything starting to shift in a positive direction! I’m very much looking forward to my next session and have referred him all of my of my close friends and family which Is something I don’t do often.

Lilavani McDonald


Words are not enough enough to convey the positive experience resulting from my session with Anthony. I’ve only had my first session, about two weeks ago. Since then, I feel like a better version of myself. I’ve never put much stock into things like this. My session literally changed my life. Until speaking with Anthony I was unaware of how many different life events, from my past, that I had been holding on to. After speaking with Anthony, I was able to see them for what they are and able to see the lessons they taught me; therefore, releasing the negative aspects. I feel lighter my house feels lighter.

Shara P

Had my first Angel Healing last week and Anthony is amazing! I say first because I will definitely be coming back for another session to deal with another issue. Anthony communes directly with the Angels to get accurate information about me and the type of healing I needed. I was amazed at how on point he was with my analysis. This week I immediately felt lighter, and more energized. For the past couple of months I have been feeling very tired and had low energy. That has changed tremendously, I even started back working out again after about a month of being on break. I have also been more productive, completing tasks that I had been putting off for months. I am not sure if this spark of energy and productiveness is because of the healing, but I know I feel stronger, more powerful, more clear, more present, and happier. This election has had zero effect on me. In fact the morning after the election I woke feeling refreshed, happy, and energized. I am lighter and handling stressful situations in a much more loving way with great ease. Thank you Anthony! I look forward to what the coming weeks have in store as my healing continues to unfold. What a beautiful process!

Shara P.

Maria C.

THE besttttt!!!

Maria C.

Amanda M.

I feel like for the first time in a long time, I’m having a real spiritual experience as opposed to a human one. Something shifted in me ever since I did this Archangelic healing session with Anthony Torres

Amanda M.

L. M.

Wow! I am simply blown away. Such a powerful healing received by this beautiful being of light!! I can hardly put into words the level of intuition and clairvoyance Anthony possess. He knew every trauma, weakness and ailment trapped in my body without me telling him a single thing about myself. It is now two weeks out and I am feeling much lighter, more clear and can feel everything starting to shift in a positive direction! I’m very much looking forward to my next session and have referred him all of my of my close friends and family which Is something I don’t do often.

Amanda C.

Anthony came into my life at a time when I had severe insomnia. I was losing my mind, sometimes sleeping 1-2 hours a night, and in a very dark place. I felt dark energies pulling at me and was in a heightened state of desperation. I chose to work with Anthony because I had already been doing psychological work and felt working energetically might also help. Anthony worked with me 1:1 via distance healing over a period of a 3-4 sessions. He took his time to work with my energy field to remove blocks and dark energies and sharing points about my past that I was still holding onto. I felt safe and that I was in good hands allowing him into my field. Since our sessions my life has truly transformed. The acute insomnia and dark spells are gone. Heavy depression and suicidal thoughts are virtually non-existent. I believe it is through working with Anthony, along with my regular trauma therapists that I have been able to be in this new place of freedom! Thank you to the Angels, and thank you Anthony!

Julie A.

Honestly, there aren’t words to describe the power and love facilitated by Anthony from the Angels to result in the deep healing experienced in a session. I am deeply and forever grateful for the healing received that has already manifested itself in my life in so many beautiful and wondrous ways.

Eliza S.

My first ever angelic healing was the strangest yet most elevating experience I’ve had. I went open minded with no resistance and no expectations and it transformed my life. I walked away with the intense sense of joy and love. I felt the resonance of that feeling for the weeks following my healing. It’s hard to explain with words what it is like, and Its not meant to be dissected much….but once you experience it, you will never be the same. Try it out, you must feel it to understand it. Words cannot explain the magical touch of an angel. Thank you, Anthony Torres for helping me connect with my guardian angels.

Eliza Sophie

Laurie S.

I actually found Anthony Torres through YELP. Having reached out to other hypnotherapists in my search, I realized during the course of our initial phone call how compassionate, ethical and committed Anthony is to his patients and his practice. During our sessions, issues I had been facing for more than twenty years were vastly improved. Personal obstacles I believed I might never overcome were tackled and resolved. I will definitely continue to see Anthony from time to time because I never want to stop learning from him. My sessions with Anthony have done more for my personal development than any other resource I have previously sought. To really see change in your life…see Anthony.

Saranah G.

I recently had a session with Anthony and I was blown away by his ability to clear profound, deep issues and wounds from my past that were affecting me on many levels. He is a gifted, extraordinary healer and I highly recommend his services.

Saranah Gutierrez


This journey is so beautiful ! I found God , reconnected with my angels , remembered who I was and what I’m doing here , regained hope and faith in this family I created , literally cleared myself . If anyone needs an archangel healing session and is serious to allow God and his angels do what they do.


Enissa H.

I just experienced an Angelic healing session for the first time with Anthony Torres and highly recommend this powerful and effective work. These words do not come close to replicating the power, authenticity, and depth of this experience. My eyes well up with tears as I write, as they did throughout the session. All that is revealed in these sessions are priceless and essential for a soul’s higher progression and mission in this life. I am sharing this because I feel that this is vital for everyone. I am also aware that only when a person is genuinely called to do this and ready, will they do it. It is truly the most effective and powerful healing modality I have experienced and I feel empowered, whole again, and connected.

Enissa H.

Nichol B.

As an empath and one who works with energy I rarely work with other practitioners, as most do not resonate. I was guided by my own inner higher knowing to Anthony in a funny series of events, and I AM in deep gratitude for the sync that brought me to him. Anthony carries a beautiful bedside manner, divine frequency, and inner light that draws you into the energy field of his work with the angels. From the very beginning of my session with Anthony and the angels, he was informative and clear about all that would transpire. The session was on point in every way, and revealed things I had never shared with others on my own journey. Anthony prepared me for what to expect in the days following the session, however was surprised to see actual physical results come so quickly in areas of my body that I had been suffering with for years. To anyone debating on whether to book with Anthony I give a whole hearted 100% do it. The alignment, clearing, and overall well being that has come from working with Anthony is beyond my expectation and I believe will be beyond yours as well. Thank you Anthony for the gift and expertise you so willingly share with the world.


Anthony’s gift is an absolute blessing. Our paths crossed serendipitously during a crucial time in my life, and I am forever grateful for the impact he has had. Anthony’s profound wisdom, extensive knowledge, and remarkable skills guided me towards discovering the untapped power within myself. Since our first session three years ago, the quality of my life has undergone a profound transformation. My life, soul, and energy are now remarkably fulfilling.
Anthony’s healing abilities run deep, reaching a level where I operate from a pure soul perspective, unburdened by the conditioning and trauma of the world. I wholeheartedly recommend Anthony’s care and the exceptional quality of his healing for anyone ready to embark on a journey of transformative change.

Verasimos S.

Anthony is an excellent healing practitioner. The work he does is very unique and it creates an impact that is quite noticeable post session and in the months that follow. I highly recommend experiencing one of his powerful angel healing sessions.


I’ve been working with Anthony for about 4 years on and off with a few sessions a year. He is solid in his work as a healer/therapist. He really cares about your well-being and supportive in the process with follow up calls and texts. I can’t thank him enough for helping me through the rough times. I am much stronger and happier and feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off of me. I’ve gained a sense of clarity and understanding and am a lot more grounded I have a deeper sense of stability within myself now. Also I have a much stronger ability to set boundaries with toxic people and walk away from them. Every time we work together we go deeper into healing some of my core issues. I have worked with many healers and practices in my own practice and I can truly say that this is the most profound healing of deep core wounds that I have found. Thank you Anthony for being true to your work and helping me and others profoundly.

Christina B.

I want to thank you again for being the only one who actually helped me out of what I was going through. I am doing better and feel like so much heavy energy has completely lifted. I’m a lot more clearer and grounded and happy again. Also being very strong in keeping boundaries and I have a deeper sense of stability within myself. Every time we work together I go deeper into healing core issues. It’s been 4 years I’ve been working with you and as much as I’ve worked with other forms of healing I find that this Angelic healing work has been the most profound for me. Thank you I look forward to seeing you again. -Christina