I have gone to Anthony 3 times this year for Angel healing. Wow, what a experience. This has been a hard year for me and I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was happening emotionally or why I was getting bummed. I did an Angel healing where he asks the angels questions .. many questions & they give him answers about what is going on inside my body. At the time of one of our readings, I had conflict inside because I was talking to someone alot who I had a feeling was not the most positive influence on me but we were such close friends I couldn’t come out and say it. I had a feeling but couldn’t accept the truth. I didn’t say anything to Anthony about it. He asked the angels what they wanted to focus on inside of me and they said “Soul” They wanted to work on my “lack of trust” and then went on to let me know someone is in my life who I think is showing me Care & Concern when the truth is they are showing deception & sabotage. He also has them look into your heart to see how full of love it has and mine was 60% depleted. I used to do Volunteer work and the last few months I have not been involved at all and was always wondering “why don’t I care anymore”? and many more things that I used to have passion & love for and was just not feeling anything. So that was crazy how he/they were able to pinpoint those major things in my life and ask the angels to heal them. I have SO much more I can say but that gives you the jist – Anthony is a wonderful person with such a loving, caring soul. I consider him a good friend. I am a different person since I started going to him at the beginning of the year. Open your heart and your mind and give it a try … I can’t wait to go back in a few months.