Tony, driving home from your office today was wonderful. I was singing and laughing and giving thanks to GOD!!! I talked to my father, who noticed a difference in me right away. I went out for dinner and met an amazing cosmic angel woman who is in the business of finding people houses, and I have a meeting with her tomorrow to get a place! I shared joy with a select few angelic people, and received their love and guidance and I feel WONDERFUL!!! Tony, thank you, thank you, thank you for your BLESS~ED healing gifts. If I could give my loved ones anything good to help them in their lives I would give them a session with YOU! You pinpointed exactly what has been out of alignment in my auric field, and you and the angels collectively tuned me up. You gave me the wisdom I needed to help myself become the best SELF I can be. GOD BLESS you, Glory Be To GOD, and thank you to my beloved ANGELS for assisting in my healing… Now I AM taking a salt bath and going into dreamland feeling so radiant and free of baggage and FULL OF LOVE!!! bless you… 🙂 🙂 🙂 life is glorious!