I have received 6 Angelic healings with Anthony Torres. Initially I had scheduled an appointment as I was having some serious life concerns and was feeling very fearful and resigned in just letting things go as I felt I may not be staying on this planet much longer. Anthony with God and the Angel’s cleared so much fear and anxiety from me and spoke truths that I was not conscious were affecting me.Hearing the wisdom from the Angels was profound and touching to remember that I am loved and cared for and they could restore me to wholeness. I had felt the negative energies lifted instantly and a huge shift that i was not going to go back to the way things were from then on. The first session led me to a new re-commitment to my self in my healing and I made changes in patterns from then on.
The seconds session resulted in healing my career disappointments and heartache and rekindle my intention and artistic focus as the Angels and God showed I still had promise in my artistry.. Soon after I had a very successful concert where i delivered an excellent concert despite having cough a cold virus and my voice was unaffected and was effortless. That was really unusual and since I have felt more conviction in my voice and trust.
The third session continued healing my heart and the fourth was really a breakthrough in healing and relaunching my purpose on this planet! I feel very aligned with God and the Angels and healed from doubt and uncertainty. I will continue to see Anthony as healing in life is continuous. The other 3 reflected shifts pertaining to doing what I need to be successful on the planet with many eye opening discoveries and resolve.
Working with Anthony and God and the Angels you do not have to be in your head and try and figure things out, they show what needs to be healed beautifully and with so much love,grace.and generosity. What was discovered in these sessions were deeper than what has been uncovered in other healings like energy healing and hypnosis, both practices that I am a practitioner of. These healings will show was needs to be healed spot on accurately.
All sessions have been deeply healing and life changing and I intend on continuing to follow up with the profound shifts that take place and incorporate this Guidance from the Angels as a way of life. I trust Anthony and the Angels as they create a safe and sacred space for healing to unfold.