


● Be open and receptive to being aware of the aspects of you that need change

● Transformation and healing begin with clearing of the past, mentally and emotionally. Clearing of the past can sometimes require forgiveness and/or letting go of things you have been holding onto from the past – such as negative attitudes, stances, feeling like a victim, or defense mechanisms. Holding onto and maintaining these negative responses/reactions/effects of things that wounded you in the past, keeps the wound present in your consciousness in the now

● When it comes to true change and healing, it is helpful when one takes responsibility where needed

● Please be sober when you come in for your treatment

● The length of the treatment is approximately 2 hours. Yet, the full integration of the treatment is 3 to 9 months long (sometimes longer)

● During that period practice self-awareness of the themes of the healing, such as necessary changes in thoughts or behaviors, so you don’t recreate the past and get in the way of the healing

● Once a week revisit your session by looking over your intake form and notes or listening to the recording of your session

● If given homework it is wise to do it for your optimal results

● After your treatment it is helpful to use the suggestions and exercises on your post-session forms

● If you’re someone who uses psychedelics, it’s best to abstain from the use of them for a few months after your session

● Although I am not giving medical advice, habitual daily use of substances such as nicotine, marijuana/THC (specifically), and or antidepressants/psych drugs have a tendency to slow down the pace of emotional based healing processes – thus slowing down the full results of your treatment and transformation

● The human energy system is made up of five levels of self, or five bodies: Spirit, Mind, Creative, Emotional, and Physical. The physical body is the grounding mirror reflector of the surrounding subtle bodies. The health of one’s soul, mind, creations, and emotions all have an influencing impact on the health of the physical body: posture, flow of vital life force, constrictions in the fascia, and overall health (or lack thereof)

If you are having physical body issues, especially long standing ones, there is usually an original emotional/mental or soul level cause/factor involved

● When it comes to the physical body sometimes it is important to implement physical tools and practices to assist its recovery

● Physical healing can often be multifactorial and require long term precise efforts with consistency and multiple treatments

● Not all sessions are noticeable on a feeling/emotional level. If the primary themes of your session are on a mental level of self-beliefs, attitudes, thinking, the healing might not be noticeable in a kinesthetic or feeling type of way

● It’s recommended to rest and not be in super go-mode after your treatment, for at least a few days or weeks.

● There can sometimes be emotional detox symptoms after a session, where people may initially temporarily feel worse than they did before the treatment. During those times it is good to rest, observe rather than react, and be self-nurturing

● The practice of prayer to The Creator, with receptive listening, is recommended – always in general

● While working with my assistance, and during the integration of your treatment, it is best if there not be multiple other practitioners and modalities influences involved with your clearing/healing process simultaneously

Your Guardian Angels and God Itself don’t need humans well-intentioned limited scope help

● The Angel’s assistance is directed towards transformational change, sometimes involving issues that have been lifelong. In that, in some cases, the full integration of the effects of the session can take longer than 9 months