

How do we work with the angels?

Through gratitude to do so and by way of our client's invitation/permission. Angels guide, protect, and inspire us all in our daily lives. But due to the laws of free-will choice here, their assistance is often suspended. When given permission, Angels work in a very detailed manner to show and heal aspects and influences within us that are causing limitations and constriction in our health and lives.

We work with The Creator of All through Guardian Angels and Archangels to assist people to help heal themselves. This being by allowing the client’s Angels to reveal important themes happening within the person's mind and life. Angels show areas of ‘room for improvement’ by exploring states of consciousness, mind, feelings, and motivations through guided intuition and communication with them internally.

As a person who assists Angels in helping others to heal, I facilitate conscious awareness of healing choices that reconnect and reintegrate Self – body, mind, soul, and spirit: which when in health, strengthens the flow of Source Creator Light through the entire system accordingly.

My work with Guardian angels is done through invitation, invocation, and permission. Angels then guide through intuition and inner sensibilities, identifying then eliminating negative influences from the auric field of the physical and subtler levels of one's being in order to improve the client's health and offer them an avenue to move forward in life, according to whatever theme is brought up in the treatment.

This method for the Angels to help heal is an amazing way to heal body, mind, emotions, and soul.  With invitation from our clients and prayerfully calling forward, with God's permission and granting, clients' Guardian Angels and Archangels show key themes for taking some accountable view of and allowing changes in thinking, stance, or perspective.

Sometimes the Angels bring up things that just need to be cleared from one's emotional field, sometimes the Angels will reveal and clear things that are belief-oriented or attitude-oriented. Sometimes their work will be in the physical body and surrounding field, sometimes the emotional for instance.

Through step by step elaboration, the Angels operate through an advanced diagnostic scan for revealing challenging patterns that may have spanned one’s entire life and sometimes many lifetimes.

Through inner sensibilities, we utilize symbolic communication through angelic guidance to show energetic blockages and challenges in our client’s field of consciousness. A client’s Guardian Angels and Archangels present in the session unveil the multi-dimensional aura revealing challenged areas in a person’s consciousness by referencing ancient archetypes from Kabbalah, planetary symbolism and chakras. The Angels show dissociated energies belonging to the spirit-soul (soul fragments) and to specific and subtle body structures.

The Angels uncloak parasitic entities and otherworldly presences and their implants existing within the client's energetic system. When relevant and present, the Angels also reveal codependent unhealthy connections between people, unresolved conflicts from the past, root core causes of issues plaguing them, root causes of physical/emotional/ mental disorders and imbalances. The Angels are able to show us the auric conditions of consciousness that most influence, create and attract entities into a person's field which shows the type and quality of energy structures that are comprising their vital life energies: “Source” Light.


Although we make no claims, this consciousness-clearing work we do with the Guardian Angels, typically promotes healing of many challenges including the following: extensive physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and relationship issues. 

In my ten years of working with the Angels I have seen them bring up and address many various themes, areas of life, behaviors, beliefs, karmas, and unresolved emotional conflicts as well as patterns that have been existing within the client’s life for all different amounts of time. The issues the Angels locate and communicate about, in regard to clients presenting issues, are on a level of massively heightened perspective, to say the least. This is a perspective that the best human healers or the most objectively self-aware clients could never measure up to fully. 

I have found that Guardian Angels are able to see the human condition from a level that is able to show the roots and trunk of the problem, as well as all of the branches of other areas the problem has spread into, negatively affecting. The Angels are then able to lead the understanding of the problem back to its origin, while also showing any supporting insights that detail the area for healing, more clearly.

The Angels are universal class in their ability to show the root cause of issues that have been bothering people for sometimes their whole entire life. 

The Angels are able to understand a person's life challenges in alignment with the reality of their soul’s karmas, life necessities, and course redirect. When considering this it is truly amazing the scope and perspective from which they are able to see things and express how they’d like to help the person. 

The Angels are able to show compromising behaviors fueled by unresolved emotions and fears. As well, the Angels are able to reveal and bring to awareness limiting emotional blocks and conflicts. But beyond the ability of the Angels to show behavior and their root cause, they also bring attention to the physical consequences of mental/emotions/spiritual imbalances.

The Angels show the astral reflection, or effects, of people's imbalances of thought and actions, in the form of any relevant entity attachment that have potentially attracted and anchored into the client’s field. Entities of various different classification, forms, and types, are spawned by, and attracted to, very specific frequencies of emotions and thoughts. The presence of astral entities act as interferences to the healthy flow of our Source Light via the central channel. These parasitic entities also consume large portions of auric space, while feeding off of one’s soul Light. Angels show how all of this causes the physical body to become compromised in various potential ways. 

Our whole overall health is part of his chain reaction where our negative behaviors/thoughts/emotions negatively affect the astral/auric integrity and the health of the body. The physical body is the direct platform and grounding for the subtle aspects of one's emotional, mental, creative, and soul dimensions of Self. Correlating constrictions in the physical body's range of motion are also able to be shown, consistent, and measurable to the issues that are being shown as relevant for healing in the client’s field.


  • Fears, worries, anxieties, and when sever enough the correlating entities those emotions can attract
  • Imbalances in giving or receiving in various ways
  • Clearing projections from other people's perceptions or views affecting clients view of themself
  • Emotional imbalances 
  • Curses and Hexes – from self and from others
  • Removal of ghosts present in the field by way of unresolved conflict -adult & fetal
  • Exorcism and Removal of Entities, and the clearing of the correlating consciousness/ behaviors they have attracted into by way of magnetic resonance: Demons, Reptilians, Archon Aliens, Astral snakes
  • Removal of Elementals from the field if relevant - Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines, or Trolls
  • PTSD and Dissociations and related trauma fields
  • Soul fragment retrieval due to displacements or dissociations into other realms by way of this life or the past
  • Weakened or deficient areas of one’s energy system: chakras, planetary areas of consciousness, soul/mind/body parts
  • Obstructions of the central channel blocking Source Light due to astral entities and unresolved areas of consciousness
  • Emotional fields: Anger, worry, frustration & spirits of emotions
  • Disempowering Tubes and/or cords between unhealthy relationships
  • Limiting beliefs and expectations
  • Boundary issues
  • Defense mechanisms
  • Survival manipulation of others
  • Unhealthy physical body parts/organs
  • Recurring disempowering patterns/cycles
  • Rumination/Circular problem consciousness 
  • Lust and its associated entities
  • Physical health issues and various physiological imbalances being caused by soul/mental/emotional unresolved dysfunctions or astral entities
  • Self condemnation/guilt
  • Survival fear anxiety


Angel Therapy/Clearing/Healing sessions are done in person, or can as well be done just as effectively remotely via Zoom, Skype, or Whatsapp.

 A full session usually takes between 1 ½  and  2 ½  hours.

Pre-treatment information

It is preferred to go into the first session without a pre-intent for the direction of the session. The angels bring up the exact things the client is wanting to have addressed.

Going into scheduling your first session, please refrain from discussing your presenting issues. It's best I not be led by my client's views of the problem at hand. The Angels know what the outermost and pressing layers of your onion are, and it's best I stay objective to their guidance and revealing.

Please click here for full pre-treatment information.


Expect the most relevant areas or themes in need of healing in your life to be shown during the Angel-guided revealing work. From there, with your invitation, the angels initiate then integrate the healing of all mentioned things that were brought up during the discovery scan and revealing.  

After the session, you can expect the processes and areas of life highlighted and addressed in the session to show transformative growth. Various forms of progress in your external day-to-day world, occur, according to how they relate to the themes which were addressed in your treatment.

This being especially that you support the healing through following the advice given regarding shifting your past attitudes, perceptions, thinking, and decisions that initially caused the dysfunctions. 


Angels are not only messengers but healers. Having bestowed increased awareness, they compassionately assist to heal and usher a person's healing to grow supportively. When they are invited by those they assist (they respect your Will), Angels can powerfully help, instantaneously and over time, to restore health to the Spirit-Soul-Mind- Emotions-Body connection of the client..

The general step by step outline of an Angel Healing is as such

  • Fill out intake forms
  • Briefly introduce the work, and answer any questions my clients might have. 
  • Gain invitation and permission from my clients, to call forward and connect with the Angels.
  • Taking time internally for prayer to The Creator, while taking a moment to bring up Love within our hearts.
  • Call the Angels and connection to The Creator of All for purposes of receiving guidance. 
  • Proceed with the diagnostic scan of the client's field of consciousness
  • Confirm and record what the Angels are showing
  • Explain all details to the client, for understanding what is being shown as out of balance or in conflict, within their field.
  • Make sure we are all on the same page as to the theme that is coming up for healing
  • Give the client the opportunity to express how everything relates to them and their world. 
  • Go into the healing of all relevant themes, by asking the client's permission for all the branches of the themes revealed for their healing.
  • Follow up treatment instructions for supporting the integration of the healing.


LOS ANGELES - 9061 Crescent Drive, Los Angeles, 90046


Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 11am - 10pm

Post Session Directions

  • After a session is completed before you go to sleep, it is advised to soak in an Epsom salt bath (2 cups of epsom salt in hot water)  for 15 to 20 minutes
  • The healing initiates a one to three month period (sometimes longer depending on the theme) of healing integration where the Angels gently yet completely integrate the process.
  • It is recommended that you remain sober, self-aware, and clear-headed for the few months following the treatment. 
  • It is suggested to read and review your session intake form, and or listen to your session recording, a few times a week for the first 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment. This allows you to ensure you are consciously aware of the details of the treatment and ways you may need to be doing your part in supporting the process through changes in thinking or actions.

Please click here for full post-session directions.

Appointment & Cancellation  Policy

I understand that unanticipated events can occur in everyone’s life. However, I do require that you contact me and let me know if you are not able to keep your appointment.

If you need to cancel an appointment, it is optimal if you can give me at least a 24 hour’s notice. 

As well, please call if you are running late.

Should the practitioner cancel or fail to provide services, we will offer you a complimentary treatment and provide make-up services within two weeks of missed appointment.

Late Arrival Policy

As a courtesy to our other clients, we regret that late arrivals are not guaranteed extensions of scheduled appointments. When our schedule allows, we may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment. This will be at our discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival.
