After a session, it is important that before sleep the client soaks in a warm Epsom salt bath for 10 to 20 minutes, no longer than 20 minutes.
Post Treatment Integration
One of the most unique aspects of the Angel healing work is the way in which the healings get stronger and more complete as the weeks and months move forward. As long as the client is able to apply the correct advice given and possibly necessary shifts in their own thinking, the progress of the treatment reaches its completion stage very gracefully and naturally -- this being without the need for reinforcement treatments. The Angels “bite-size” integrate all areas that were brought up during the session. The Angels don’t clock out after the session with me is complete. They continue to facilitate the results of the process into you until complete. This gradually growing stronger pace is typically different from most other healing modalities where the peak of the efficacy of the effect happens during the treatment then dwindles down. typically during the treatment. The results last for a few days to a week before the process needs to be reinforced.
With this being said it is best that when working with clients in a series of treatments, the treatments be spread out a month apart or more. This isn’t of necessity and a client can work on multiple themes in a back-to-back weeks type of manner. But it requires that the client is able to keep a reflective eye on the theme(s) that are being internally unearthed and shifted and worked on etherically, by way of the Angels during and post-session. With multiple sessions, thus multiple themes, integrating all at once it’s more to take on, and this can be especially difficult for people who aren’t naturally self-aware, to be mindful of all the areas of integration.
The integration of the treatments also varies depending upon the nature of the presenting issue that was addressed. Some clients have an extremely smooth and rapid integration of the healing by way of the Angels, post-treatment. While some other clients have more of a challenging time for the weeks following the session -- sometimes experiencing emotional or physical detox symptoms. The integration of the healings can be especially difficult if the themes that the angels are attempting to help with have been buried deeply in layers of denial, or they have incentive or secondary gain connected to the problem.
Another case of challenge or difficulty for the post-session integration is if the issue at hand being addressed is a hard-lined attitude or stance that is being righteously held onto as defense mechanisms or survival mechanisms.
Does everything that is addressed in the treatment remain in a healthy state?
That depends on one thing after the session -- *The client’s needed shifts in consciousness -- how the client is using their conscious mind free-will thinking. I will always work with my clients to help come to terms with new ways of thinking and framing things for the completion and sustaining of their health related to the session.
The nature of the completion and sustaining of the healing depends on the client heeding the advice that was given for the changes of mind, perspective, and attitude -- personal shifts on their part and when needed changes of stance/disposition.
After the treatments, sometimes a client can experience a bit of a rocky road. This is often during the treatment when things have been brought up which have been buried under the rug for a long time. Regardless of the more challenging integrations, the angels will help ensure it is gentle as possible and the difficult patches usually only last for brief waves, which get lesser in degree as the healing integrates.
Each client is given a handout on reflective exercises that can help to support the healing after the treatment and ensure that everything is going as smoothly as possible.