Angel Therapy/Clearing/Healing sessions are done in person, or can as well be done just as effectively remotely via Zoom, Skype, or Whatsapp.
A full session usually takes between 1 ½ and 2 ½ hours.
Pre-treatment information
It is preferred to go into the first session without a pre-intent for the direction of the session. The angels bring up the exact things the client is wanting to have addressed.
Going into scheduling your first session, please refrain from discussing your presenting issues. It's best I not be led by my client's views of the problem at hand. The Angels know what the outermost and pressing layers of your onion are, and it's best I stay objective to their guidance and revealing.
Expect the most relevant areas or themes in need of healing in your life to be shown during the Angel-guided revealing work. From there, with your invitation, the angels initiate then integrate the healing of all mentioned things that were brought up during the discovery scan and revealing.
After the session, you can expect the processes and areas of life highlighted and addressed in the session to show transformative growth. Various forms of progress in your external day-to-day world, occur, according to how they relate to the themes which were addressed in your treatment.
This being especially that you support the healing through following the advice given regarding shifting your past attitudes, perceptions, thinking, and decisions that initially caused the dysfunctions.
Angels are not only messengers but healers. Having bestowed increased awareness, they compassionately assist to heal and usher a person's healing to grow supportively. When they are invited by those they assist (they respect your Will), Angels can powerfully help, instantaneously and over time, to restore health to the Spirit-Soul-Mind- Emotions-Body connection of the client..
The general step by step outline of an Angel Healing is as such
- Fill out intake forms
- Briefly introduce the work, and answer any questions my clients might have.
- Gain invitation and permission from my clients, to call forward and connect with the Angels.
- Taking time internally for prayer to The Creator, while taking a moment to bring up Love within our hearts.
- Call the Angels and connection to The Creator of All for purposes of receiving guidance.
- Proceed with the diagnostic scan of the client's field of consciousness
- Confirm and record what the Angels are showing
- Explain all details to the client, for understanding what is being shown as out of balance or in conflict, within their field.
- Make sure we are all on the same page as to the theme that is coming up for healing
- Give the client the opportunity to express how everything relates to them and their world.
- Go into the healing of all relevant themes, by asking the client's permission for all the branches of the themes revealed for their healing.
- Follow up treatment instructions for supporting the integration of the healing.
ORANGE COUNTY- 3151 Airway Avenue #L1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
SANTA MONICA - 2001 S Barrington Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca. 90025
LOS ANGELES - 9061 Crescent Drive, Los Angeles, 90046
Tuesday, Thursday, & occasionally Saturdays from 11am - 10pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 11am - 10pm
Post Session Directions
- After a session is completed before you go to sleep, it is advised to soak in an Epsom salt bath (2 cups of epsom salt in hot water) for 15 to 20 minutes
- The healing initiates a one to three month period (sometimes longer depending on the theme) of healing integration where the Angels gently yet completely integrate the process.
- It is recommended that you remain sober, self-aware, and clear-headed for the few months following the treatment.
- It is suggested to read and review your session intake form, and or listen to your session recording, a few times a week for the first 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment. This allows you to ensure you are consciously aware of the details of the treatment and ways you may need to be doing your part in supporting the process through changes in thinking or actions.
Please click here for full post-session directions.
Appointment & Cancellation Policy
I understand that unanticipated events can occur in everyone’s life. However, I do require that you contact me and let me know if you are not able to keep your appointment.
If you need to cancel an appointment, it is optimal if you can give me at least a 24 hour’s notice.
As well, please call if you are running late.
Should the practitioner cancel or fail to provide services, we will offer you a complimentary treatment and provide make-up services within two weeks of missed appointment.
Late Arrival Policy
The length of time for a full treatment with the Angels is between 1 to 3 hours. Each treatment comes with a complimentary follow-up check-in treatment, at the 4 to 8-week mark after your initial treatment is complete, if needed.
We offer people in financial hardship the opportunity to pay in installments or to receive treatment on a sliding financial scale of compensation, when or if it is needed. We don’t let money issues stop us from working with you and your Angels. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need to.
I accept Venmo, checks, money orders, cash, major credit cards and PayPal payments.
Contact us to schedule an appointment.
*Treatments can only be done with English-speaking clients only - unless there is a translator present